Steam Ticket

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See writers who are published in this journal

Editorial Focus

Steam Ticket, A Third Coast Review, is published each April. It is the national literary magazine of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. We aspire to publish high-quality poetry, fiction, and essays from both experienced and emerging writers.

Tips From the Editor

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For prose: 3,500 words maximum on any topic using any style. Quirky short-shorts are also encouraged. For poetry, send 3-5 poems. Originality is encouraged. Genre-based writing might find a better audience elsewhere.

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Contact Information

Steam ticket literary journalSteamTicket
Please note: The information provided in this database is provided by the publishers listed in it.

Steam Ticket: a Third Coast Review is published each April. A nationally-distributed journal, we publish the best poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction we can get our hands on, from both prize-winning writers and from new and emerging writers.

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Founded In 1996 by members of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse English department, Steam Ticket is staffed by a dedicated team of student editors and readers enrolled in English 320: Literary Journal Production/Publication. We commit ourselves to celebrating diversity in the selection of our content.

Steam Ticket Mhw

This class of well-read students collaborates to review hundreds of submissions before selecting pieces they believe to have the highest literary merit. Students assume roles as editors and readers, and the process is overseen (but not controlled) by a professor who has experience in creative writing and publishing.